For information sheets, posters and checklists to help with English skills, visit the department’s English help pages.
See English A to Z for a comprehensive glossary of terms used in English studies.
Reading and comprehension are important skills for primary school students.
To help your child become a more effective reader try some of these strategies.
Writing tips
All writing has a purpose. Make sure your child is thinking about who they are writing for and why. For example, there’s a difference between writing a letter to a family member when on a holiday compared to writing a tourism brochure or story set in the same location.
Read your child’s writing or get them to read it to you. Praise them for having a go at writing words that are new to them.
Encourage writing at home by:
- asking your child to keep a record of special events such as a diary or blog
- having your child label photos or pictures with captions
- spending time creating notes, letters and stories.
Helping with spelling
Spelling is closely linked to writing and reading. At school, students learn the importance of accurate spelling. When your child asks how to spell a word, always encourage them to have a go first, then discuss their effort and make sure you have a dictionary for checking. If using an online dictionary make sure it is an Australian dictionary, not American. The same goes for spellcheck on the computer – check the language is set as Australian English.
Look, say, cover, write, check
The following approach can help when a student practices their spelling.
- Look carefully at the word.
- Say the word.
- Cover the word.
- Write the word from memory.
- Uncover and check the spelling against the correct word.
- Repeat.