Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C)
Our Parents and Citizens’ Association (P&C) is made up of parents and carers, teachers and community members. The P&C meets regularly to contribute to decision-making, developing policies and management plans as well as fundraising.
The school P&C meets on the Tuesday evening of Week 2 and 8 each school term. Meetings are held in the school library commencing at 6:30pm.
The 2024 Committee
- President: Becky Johnson-Hoole
- Vice Presidents: Rachel Moore and Shaney Hudson
- Treasurer: Melissa Elliott
- Secretary: Louise Walker
- Fundraising: Renee Burgess and Nerida Dawson
- Canteen: Beth Daly
- Uniform Shop: Tanya Carter
Follow the WRPS P&C on Facebook.
What is a P&C Association?
Parents and Citizens (P&C) Associations are vital not-for-profit organisations supporting public schools in New South Wales.
They are a group consisting of parents and citizens in a school community, whose purpose is to assist the school and promote the interests of the entire school community.
The Education Act 1990 lays out the objectives of a P&C Association:
- to promote the interests of the school by bringing parents, citizens, students and teaching staff into close co-operation, and
- to assist in providing facilities and equipment for the school and in promoting the recreation and welfare of the students at the school, and
- to encourage parent and community participation in curriculum and other education issues in schools where there is no school council.
What do P&C Associations do?
P&C Associations work in close partnership with their school to achieve the best possible outcomes for students and other stakeholders in the school community. P&C Associations typically consult with the parent community, students, and school staff to identify the main needs of the school, and plan accordingly how best to meet those needs.
Some common things P&C Associations do to support their school may include:
- Operating the school canteen, school uniform shop, outside school hours care, or school band program.
- Providing equipment, resources and facilities to the school.
- Applying for grants or fundraising to cover the costs of a project at the school.
- Hosting events ranging from fetes, market days, discos, and many more.
- Running a school building fund for the construction or maintenance of a school building.
- Supplying a parent representative on merit selection panels for vacant jobs at the school, or sitting on tender panels to select a provider or business to operate on school grounds.