The Student WEllbeing and Engagement Program, known as S.W.E.E.P., was created in 2019 when a need was recognised by schools and 3Bridges Youth for holistic wellbeing interventions delivered in schools, with partnerships between education and community services. Starting with a group of four schools, S.W.E.E.P. now spans across ten schools over four LGAs in Sydney, in both primary and high school contexts.
Schools play a crucial role in developing the wellbeing and mental health for young people, and school communities must be confident students can rely on support at school. Research indicates the correlation between low wellbeing levels and low educational engagement and attainment, and post-COVID studies indicate mental ill-health is on the rise. In this context, S.W.E.E.P. Workers support young people in school to increase their socio-emotional wellbeing and encourage positive engagement with services that suit their individual needs.
3Bridges Youth and Schools have a shared interest in ensuring that such services improve the outcomes for young people in a manner that:
- Ensures quality of services
- Is transparent and accountable
- Retains a level of flexibility to support innovation
S.W.E.E.P. Workers engage with children, young people, and families, in addition to school staff, to build cohesive and holistic plans to support young people at an individual, group, year, and whole school level. S.W.E.E.P. Workers aim to foster positive connections between the school and the broader community, encouraging partnerships that work for the betterment and empowerment of young people and their families.
Download the S.W.E.E.P Primary School Consent Form below and hand into the School Office: